All files / owid-grapher/serverUtils slackLog.ts

48.28% Statements 42/87
100% Branches 2/2
33.33% Functions 1/3
48.28% Lines 42/87

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// Send error to slack webhook, code adapted from express-error-slack
import { SLACK_ERRORS_WEBHOOK_URL } from "../settings/serverSettings"
import Slack = require("slack-node")
import * as lodash from "lodash"
const sendErrorToSlack = async (err: any) => {
    const slack = new Slack()

    function createCodeBlock(title: string, code: any) {
        if (lodash.isEmpty(code)) return ""
        code =
            typeof code === "string"
                ? code.trim()
                : JSON.stringify(code, null, 2)
        const tripleBackticks = "```"
        return `_${title}_${tripleBackticks}${code}${tripleBackticks}\n`

    const blocks = [{ title: "Stack", code: err.stack }]

    if (err.stderr) {
            title: "stderr",
            code: err.stderr,

    const attachment = {
        fallback: `${}: ${err.message}`,
        color: err.status < 500 ? "warning" : "danger",
        //   author_name:,
        title: `${}: ${err.message}`,
        //   fields: [
        //     { title: 'Request URL', value: req.url, short: true },
        //     { title: 'Request Method', value: req.method, short: true },
        //     { title: 'Status Code', value: err.status, short: true },
        //     { title: 'Remote Address', value: getRemoteAddress(req), short: true }
        //   ],
        text: blocks
            .map((data) => createCodeBlock(data.title, data.code))
        mrkdwn_in: ["text"],
        footer: "sendErrorToSlack",
        ts: Math.floor( / 1000),

    slack.webhook({ attachments: [attachment] }, (error) => {
        if (error) console.error(error)
export const logErrorAndMaybeSendToSlack = async (err: any) => {
    if (SLACK_ERRORS_WEBHOOK_URL) sendErrorToSlack(err)
export const warn = (err: any) => console.warn(err)