All files / owid-grapher/gitCms GitCmsServer.ts

96.07% Statements 220/229
66.67% Branches 22/33
100% Functions 13/13
96.07% Lines 220/229

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import { Router, Request, Response, RequestHandler } from "express"
import {
} from "../settings/serverSettings"
import simpleGit, { SimpleGit } from "simple-git"
import {
} from "fs-extra"
import {
} from "./GitCmsConstants"
import { sync } from "glob"
import { logErrorAndMaybeSendToSlack } from "../serverUtils/slackLog"
// todo: cleanup typings
interface ResponseWithUserInfo extends Response {
    locals: { user: any; session: any }
interface GitCmsServerOptions {
    baseDir: string
    shouldAutoPush?: boolean
export class GitCmsServer {
    private _options: GitCmsServerOptions
    verbose = true // I made this public so you can test quietly
    constructor(options: GitCmsServerOptions) {
        this._options = options
    // todo: we should probably use the 'path' lib and standardize things for cross plat
    private get baseDir() {
        return this.options.baseDir + "/"
    private get options() {
        return this._options
    private _git?: SimpleGit
    private get git() {
        if (!this._git)
            this._git = simpleGit({
                baseDir: this.baseDir,
                binary: "git",
                maxConcurrentProcesses: 1,
                // Needed since git won't let you commit if there's no user name config present (i.e. CI), even if you always
                // specify `author=` in every command. See for example.
                config: [
        return this._git
    async createDirAndInitIfNeeded() {
        const { baseDir } = this
        if (!existsSync(baseDir)) mkdirSync(baseDir)
        await this.git.init()
        return this
    private async commitFile(
        filename: string,
        commitMsg: string,
        authorName: string,
        authorEmail: string
    ) {
        await this.git.add(filename)
        return await this.git.commit(commitMsg, filename, {
            "--author": `${authorName} <${authorEmail}>`,
    private async autopush() {
        if (this.options.shouldAutoPush) this.git.push()
    private async pullCommand(verbose: boolean | undefined = undefined) {
        try {
            const res = await this.git.pull()
            return {
                success: true,
                stdout: JSON.stringify(res.summary, null, 2),
            } as GitPullResponse
        } catch (error) {
            const err = error as Error
            if (verbose ?? this.verbose) console.log(err)
            return { success: false, error: err.toString() }
    // Pull changes before making changes. However, only pull if an upstream branch is set up.
    private async autopull() {
        const res = await this.pullCommand(false)
        if (!res.success) {
            const err = res.error as string | undefined
            if (
                    "There is no tracking information for the current branch." // local-only branch
                ) ||
                err?.includes("You are not currently on a branch.") // detached HEAD
                return { success: true }
        return res
    private async readFileCommand(
        filepath: string
    ): Promise<GitCmsReadResponse> {
        try {
            const absolutePath = this.baseDir + filepath
            const exists = existsSync(absolutePath)
            if (!exists) throw new Error(`File '${filepath}' not found`)
            const content = await readFile(absolutePath, "utf8")
            return { success: true, content }
        } catch (error) {
            const err = error as Error
            if (this.verbose) console.log(err)
            return {
                success: false,
                error: err.toString(),
                content: "",
    private async globCommand(
        globStr: string,
        folder: string
    ): Promise<GitCmsGlobResponse> {
        const query = globStr.replace(/[^a-zA-Z\*]/, "")
        const cwd = this.baseDir + folder
        const results = sync(query, {
        const files = => {
            return {
                content: readFileSync(cwd + "/" + filename, "utf8"),
        return { success: true, files }
    private async deleteFileCommand(
        rawFilepath: string,
        authorName = GIT_DEFAULT_USERNAME,
        authorEmail = GIT_DEFAULT_EMAIL
    ): Promise<GitCmsResponse> {
        const filepath = rawFilepath.replace(/\~/g, "/")
        try {
            const absolutePath = this.baseDir + filepath
            await unlink(absolutePath)
            // Do a pull _after_ the file delete. This ensures that, if we intend to delete
            // a file that has been changed on the server, we'll end up with an intentional failure.
            const pull = await this.autopull()
            if (!pull.success) throw pull.error
            await this.commitFile(
                `Deleted ${filepath}`,
            await this.autopush()
            return { success: true }
        } catch (error) {
            const err = error as Error
            return { success: false, error: err.toString() }
    private async writeFileCommand(
        filename: string,
        content: string,
        authorName = GIT_DEFAULT_USERNAME,
        authorEmail = GIT_DEFAULT_EMAIL,
        commitMessage?: string
    ): Promise<GitCmsResponse> {
        try {
            const absolutePath = this.baseDir + filename
            await writeFile(absolutePath, content, "utf8")
            // Do a pull _after_ the write. This ensures that, if we intend to overwrite a file
            // that has been changed on the server, we'll end up with an intentional merge conflict.
            await this.autopull()
            const pull = await this.autopull()
            if (!pull.success) throw pull.error
            const commitMsg = commitMessage
                ? commitMessage
                : existsSync(absolutePath)
                ? `Updating ${filename}`
                : `Adding ${filename}`
            await this.commitFile(filename, commitMsg, authorName, authorEmail)
            await this.autopush()
            return { success: true }
        } catch (error) {
            const err = error as Error
            return { success: false, error: err.toString() }
    addToRouter(app: Router) {
        const routes: { [route: string]: RequestHandler } = {}
        routes[GIT_CMS_PULL_ROUTE] = async (
            req: Request,
            res: ResponseWithUserInfo
        ) => res.send(await this.pullCommand()) // Pull latest from github
        routes[GIT_CMS_GLOB_ROUTE] = async (
            req: Request,
            res: ResponseWithUserInfo
        ) => {
            // Get multiple file contents
            const request = req.body as GlobRequest
            res.send(await this.globCommand(request.glob, request.folder))
        routes[GIT_CMS_READ_ROUTE] = async (
            req: Request,
            res: ResponseWithUserInfo
        ) => {
            const request = req.body as ReadRequest
            res.send(await this.readFileCommand(request.filepath))
        routes[GIT_CMS_WRITE_ROUTE] = async (
            req: Request,
            res: ResponseWithUserInfo
        ) => {
            // Update/create file, commit, and push(unless on local dev brach)
            const request = req.body as WriteRequest
            const { filepath, content, commitMessage } = request
                await this.writeFileCommand(
                    res.locals.user?.fullName, // todo: these are specific to our admin app
        routes[GIT_CMS_DELETE_ROUTE] = async (
            req: Request,
            res: ResponseWithUserInfo
        ) => {
            // Delete file, commit, and and push(unless on local dev brach)
            const request = req.body as DeleteRequest
                await this.deleteFileCommand(
        // Note: these are all POST routes, because we never want to cache any of them (even the 2 read ops)
        Object.keys(routes).forEach((route) =>, routes[route]))
const ensureNoParentLinksInFilePath = (filename: string) => {
    if (filename.includes(".."))
        throw new Error(`Invalid filepath: ${filename}`)