All files / owid-grapher/explorer ExplorerDecisionMatrix.ts

99.33% Statements 296/298
100% Branches 43/43
95.24% Functions 20/21
99.33% Lines 296/298

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import { observable, computed, action } from "mobx"
import { queryParamsToStr } from "../clientUtils/urls/UrlUtils"
import { differenceObj, trimObject } from "../clientUtils/Util"
import { ColumnTypeNames } from "../coreTable/CoreColumnDef"
import { CoreTable } from "../coreTable/CoreTable"
import {
} from "../coreTable/CoreTableUtils"
import { GridBoolean } from "../gridLang/GridLangConstants"
import {
} from "./ExplorerConstants"
import { trimAndParseObject } from "./ExplorerProgram"
import { GrapherGrammar } from "./GrapherGrammar"
// todo: cleanup
const makeChoicesMap = (delimited: string) => {
    const headerLine = delimited.split("\n")[0]
    const map = new Map<ChoiceName, ExplorerControlType>()
        .filter((name) => ExplorerControlTypeRegex.test(name))
        .forEach((choiceNameAndType) => {
            const words = choiceNameAndType.split(" ")
            const [choiceName, choiceType] = [
                words.slice(0, -1).join(" "),
                words[words.length - 1],
            map.set(choiceName as ChoiceName, choiceType as ExplorerControlType)
    return map
// This strips the "Dropdown" or "Checkbox" from "SomeChoice Dropdown" or "SomeChoice Checkbox"
const removeChoiceControlTypeInfo = (label: string) =>
    label.replace(ExplorerControlTypeRegex, "")
const dropColumnTypes = (delimited: string): string => {
    const rows = delimited.split("\n")
    const delimiter = detectDelimiter(rows[0])
    rows[0] = rows[0]
    return rows.join("\n")
const makeCheckBoxOption = (
    options: ExplorerChoiceOption[],
    choiceName: string
) => {
    const checked = options.some(
        (option) => option.checked === true && option.value === GridBoolean.true
    const available =
        new Set(options.filter((opt) => opt.available).map((opt) => opt.label))
            .size === 2
    return [
            label: choiceName,
            value: GridBoolean.true,
        } as ExplorerChoiceOption,
// Takes the author's program and the user's current settings and returns an object for
// allow the user to navigate amongst charts.
export class DecisionMatrix {
    private table: CoreTable
    @observable currentParams: ExplorerChoiceParams = {}
    constructor(delimited: string, hash = "") {
        this.choices = makeChoicesMap(delimited)
        this.table = new CoreTable(parseDelimited(dropColumnTypes(delimited)), [
            // todo: remove col def?
                slug: GrapherGrammar.grapherId.keyword,
                type: ColumnTypeNames.Integer,
        this.hash = hash
        this.setValuesFromChoiceParams() // Initialize options
    allDecisionsAsQueryParams(): ExplorerChoiceParams[] {
        return => {
            const choiceParams: ExplorerChoiceParams = {}
            this.choiceNames.forEach((name) => {
                choiceParams[name] = row[name]
            return choiceParams
    get numRows() {
        return this.table.numRows
    get requiredGrapherIds() {
        return this.table.get(GrapherGrammar.grapherId.keyword).uniqValues
    private choices: Map<ChoiceName, ExplorerControlType>
    hash: string
    toConstrainedOptions(): ExplorerChoiceParams {
        const settings = { ...this.currentParams }
        this.choiceNames.forEach((choiceName) => {
            // check if the current choice is valid with the current settings
            if (
            ) {
                // do nothing - we can use settings[choiceName] as-is
            // check if the default choice is valid with the current settings
            else if (
                this.defaultSettings[choiceName] !== undefined &&
            ) {
                settings[choiceName] = this.defaultSettings[choiceName]
            // if both are not valid, find the first valid option
            else {
                settings[choiceName] = this.firstAvailableOptionForChoice(
        return settings
    private get diffBetweenUserSettingsAndConstrained(): ExplorerChoiceParams {
        return differenceObj(
        ) as ExplorerChoiceParams
    @action.bound setValueCommand(choiceName: ChoiceName, value: ChoiceValue) {
        this._setValue(choiceName, value)
        const invalidState = this.diffBetweenUserSettingsAndConstrained
        Object.keys(invalidState).forEach((key) => {
            // If a user navigates to a state where an option previously selected is not available,
            // then persist the new option, as long as it isn't the only one available.
            // For example, if the user navigates from metric:Cases interval:Weekly, to
            // metric:Vaccinations, if interval:Weekly is not available for Vaccinations but other
            // (more than one) intervals are available, we will persist whichever we happen to end
            // up on.
            // But if the user navigates from metric:Cases perCapita:true, to
            // metric:Share of positive tests, then the only available perCapita option is false,
            // but it isn't persisted, because the user has no other options. It's non-sensical to
            // ask for "Share of positive tests per capita", so qualitatively it's a different
            // metric, and the perCapita can just be ignored.
            // We assume in every case where the user has only a single option available (therefore
            // has no choice) the option should not be persisted.
            if (this.availableChoiceOptions[key].length > 1) {
                this._setValue(key, invalidState[key])
    @action.bound private _setValue(
        choiceName: ChoiceName,
        value: ChoiceValue
    ) {
        if (value === "") delete this.currentParams[choiceName]
        else this.currentParams[choiceName] = value
        this.selectedRow = trimAndParseObject(
    @action.bound setValuesFromChoiceParams(
        choiceParams: ExplorerChoiceParams = {}
    ) {
        this.choiceNames.forEach((choiceName) => {
            const choiceValue =
                choiceParams[choiceName] ?? this.defaultSettings[choiceName]
            if (choiceValue === undefined)
            else this._setValue(choiceName, choiceValue)
        return this
    @computed private get choiceNames(): ChoiceName[] {
        return Array.from(this.choices.keys())
    @computed private get allChoiceOptions(): ChoiceMap {
        const choiceMap: ChoiceMap = {}
        this.choiceNames.forEach((choiceName) => {
            choiceMap[choiceName] = this.table
                .uniqValues.filter((cell) => !isCellEmpty(cell)) as string[]
        return choiceMap
    @computed private get availableChoiceOptions(): ChoiceMap {
        const result: ChoiceMap = {}
        this.choiceNames.forEach((choiceName) => {
            result[choiceName] = this.allChoiceOptions[choiceName].filter(
                (option) => this.isOptionAvailable(choiceName, option)
        return result
    private firstAvailableOptionForChoice(
        choiceName: ChoiceName,
        currentState = this.currentParams
    ): ChoiceValue | undefined {
        return this.allChoiceOptions[choiceName].find((option) =>
            this.isOptionAvailable(choiceName, option, currentState)
     * Note: there is a rare bug in here + rowsWith when an author has a complex decision matrix. If the user vists a url
     * with invalid options like Metric="Tests", Interval="Weekly", Aligned="false"
     * we will return first match, which is B1, even though B2 is a better match.
     * graphers
     * title	Metric Radio	Interval Radio	Aligned Checkbox
     * A1	Cases	Cumulative	true
     * A2	Cases	Cumulative	false
     * A3	Cases	Weekly	false
     * B1	Tests	Cumulative	true
     * B2	Tests	Cumulative	false
        choiceName: ChoiceName,
        option: ChoiceValue,
        currentState = this.currentParams
    ) {
        const query: ExplorerChoiceParams = {}
            .slice(0, this.choiceNames.indexOf(choiceName))
            .forEach((name) => {
                query[name] = currentState[name]
        query[choiceName] = option
        return this.rowsWith(query, choiceName).length > 0
    private rowsWith(query: ExplorerChoiceParams, choiceName?: ChoiceName) {
        // We allow other options to be blank.
        const modifiedQuery: any = {}
        Object.keys(trimObject(query)).forEach((queryColumn) => {
            if (queryColumn !== choiceName)
                // Blanks are fine if we are not talking about the column of interest
                modifiedQuery[queryColumn] = [query[queryColumn], ""]
            else modifiedQuery[queryColumn] = query[queryColumn]
        return this.table.findRows(modifiedQuery)
    // The first row with defaultView column value of "true" determines the default view to use
    private get defaultSettings() {
        const hits = this.rowsWith({
            [GrapherGrammar.defaultView.keyword]: "true",
        return hits[0] ?? {}
    private get firstMatch() {
        const query = this.toConstrainedOptions()
        const hits = this.rowsWith(query)
        return hits[0]
    get selectedRowIndex() {
        return this.firstMatch === undefined
            ? 0
            : this.table.indexOf(this.firstMatch)
    @observable selectedRow: any = {}
    private toControlOption(
        choiceName: ChoiceName,
        optionName: string,
        currentValue: ChoiceValue,
        constrainedOptions: ExplorerChoiceParams
    ): ExplorerChoiceOption {
        const available = this.isOptionAvailable(
        return {
            label: optionName,
            value: optionName,
            checked: currentValue === optionName,
    @computed get choicesWithAvailability(): ExplorerChoice[] {
        const selectedRow = this.selectedRow
        const constrainedOptions = this.toConstrainedOptions()
        return => {
            const value =
                selectedRow[title] !== undefined
                    ? selectedRow[title].toString()
                    : selectedRow[title]
            const options = this.allChoiceOptions[title].map((optionName) =>
            const type = this.choices.get(title)!
            return {
                displayTitle: title,
                    type === ExplorerControlType.Checkbox
                        ? makeCheckBoxOption(options, title)
                        : options,
    toString() {
        return queryParamsToStr(this.currentParams)