All files / owid-grapher/baker GrapherBaker.tsx

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0% Functions 0/6
25.61% Lines 42/164

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import * as React from "react"
import { Chart } from "../db/model/Chart"
import { GrapherInterface } from "../grapher/core/GrapherInterface"
import { GrapherPage } from "../site/GrapherPage"
import { renderToHtmlPage } from "../baker/siteRenderers"
import { Post } from "../db/model/Post"
import { urlToSlug, without } from "../clientUtils/Util"
import { isPresent } from "../clientUtils/isPresent"
import {
} from "../db/wpdb"
import { getVariableData } from "../db/model/Variable"
import * as fs from "fs-extra"
import { deserializeJSONFromHTML } from "../clientUtils/serializers"
import * as lodash from "lodash"
import { bakeGraphersToPngs } from "./GrapherImageBaker"
import {
} from "../settings/serverSettings"
import ProgressBar = require("progress")
import * as db from "../db/db"
import * as glob from "glob"
import { JsonError } from "../clientUtils/owidTypes"
import { isPathRedirectedToExplorer } from "../explorerAdminServer/ExplorerRedirects"
const grapherConfigToHtmlPage = async (grapher: GrapherInterface) => {
    const postSlug = urlToSlug(grapher.originUrl || "")
    const post = postSlug ? await Post.bySlug(postSlug) : undefined
    const relatedCharts =
        post && isWordpressDBEnabled
            ? await getRelatedCharts(
            : undefined
    const relatedArticles =
        grapher.slug && isWordpressAPIEnabled
            ? await getRelatedArticles(grapher.slug)
            : undefined

    return renderToHtmlPage(
export const grapherSlugToHtmlPage = async (slug: string) => {
    const entity = await Chart.getBySlug(slug)
    if (!entity) throw new JsonError("No such chart", 404)
    return grapherConfigToHtmlPage(entity.config)
const bakeVariableData = async (
    bakedSiteDir: string,
    variableIds: number[],
    outPath: string
): Promise<string> => {
    await fs.mkdirp(`${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/data/variables/`)
    const vardata = await getVariableData(variableIds)
    await fs.writeFile(outPath, JSON.stringify(vardata))
    return vardata
const bakeGrapherPageAndVariablesPngAndSVGIfChanged = async (
    bakedSiteDir: string,
    grapher: GrapherInterface
) => {
    const htmlPath = `${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/${grapher.slug}.html`
    let isSameVersion = false
    try {
        // If the chart is the same version, we can potentially skip baking the data and exports (which is by far the slowest part)
        const html = await fs.readFile(htmlPath, "utf8")
        const savedVersion = deserializeJSONFromHTML(html)
        isSameVersion = savedVersion?.version === grapher.version
    } catch (err) {
        if ((err as any).code !== "ENOENT") console.error(err)

    // Always bake the html for every chart; it's cheap to do so
    const outPath = `${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/${grapher.slug}.html`
    await fs.writeFile(outPath, await grapherConfigToHtmlPage(grapher))

    const variableIds = lodash.uniq(
        grapher.dimensions?.map((d) => d.variableId)
    if (!variableIds.length) return

    // Make sure we bake the variables successfully before outputing the chart html
    const vardataPath = `${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/data/variables/${variableIds.join(
    if (!isSameVersion || !fs.existsSync(vardataPath))
        await bakeVariableData(bakedSiteDir, variableIds, vardataPath)

    try {
        await fs.mkdirp(`${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/exports/`)
        const svgPath = `${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/exports/${grapher.slug}.svg`
        const pngPath = `${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/exports/${grapher.slug}.png`
        if (
            !isSameVersion ||
            !fs.existsSync(svgPath) ||
        ) {
            const vardata = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(vardataPath, "utf8"))
            await bakeGraphersToPngs(
    } catch (err) {
const deleteOldGraphers = async (bakedSiteDir: string, newSlugs: string[]) => {
    // Delete any that are missing from the database
    const oldSlugs = glob
        .map((slug) =>
            slug.replace(`${bakedSiteDir}/grapher/`, "").replace(".html", "")
    const toRemove = without(oldSlugs, ...newSlugs)
    for (const slug of toRemove) {
        console.log(`DELETING ${slug}`)
        try {
            const paths = [
            ] //, `${BAKED_SITE_DIR}/grapher/exports/${slug}.svg`]
            await Promise.all( => fs.unlink(p)))
   => console.log(p))
        } catch (err) {
export const bakeAllChangedGrapherPagesVariablesPngSvgAndDeleteRemovedGraphers =
    async (bakedSiteDir: string) => {
        const rows: { id: number; config: any }[] = await db.queryMysql(
            `SELECT id, config FROM charts WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(config, "$.isPublished")=true ORDER BY JSON_EXTRACT(config, "$.slug") ASC`

        const newSlugs = []
        await fs.mkdirp(bakedSiteDir + "/grapher")
        const progressBar = new ProgressBar(
            "BakeGrapherPageVarPngAndSVGIfChanged [:bar] :current/:total :elapseds :rate/s :etas :name\n",
                width: 20,
                total: rows.length + 1,
        for (const row of rows) {
            const grapher: GrapherInterface = JSON.parse(row.config)
            // Avoid baking paths that have an Explorer redirect.
            // Redirects take precedence.
            if (isPathRedirectedToExplorer(`/grapher/${grapher.slug}`)) {
                progressBar.tick({ name: `✅ ${grapher.slug}` })
            await bakeGrapherPageAndVariablesPngAndSVGIfChanged(
            progressBar.tick({ name: `✅ ${grapher.slug}` })
        await deleteOldGraphers(bakedSiteDir, newSlugs.filter(isPresent))
        progressBar.tick({ name: `✅ Deleted old graphers` })